A Pet for Miss Wright

A Pet for Miss Wright
Categories: Computers, Keyboard
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Miss Wright is a writer. She enjoys her work. Each dayshe sits at her desk and writes stories with marvelouscharacters who live exciting lives. But, except forthe click-click-click of the keyboard, it is quiet in MissWright’’s office. Too quiet. And too lonely.So Miss Wright decides she needs a pet to keep hercompany.But finding the perfect pet may not be as easy as it sounds.A mynah bird is too quiet, a cat makes her sleepy, and ahamster running around on its wheel makes Miss Wrightdizzy. What’’s a lonely writer to do?As the happy ending to her story, Miss Wright finds notonly the perfect pet but also the perfect helpmate to herwork.Judy Young’’s books with Sleeping Bear Press include the recently releasedA Book for Black-Eyed Susan and The Hidden Bestiary of Marvelous,Mysterious, and (maybe even) Magical Creatures. Judy speaks at schoolsand conferences across the country. She lives near Springfield, Missouri.Andrea Wesson studied at the Rhode Island School of Design and hasillustrated several picture books, including Not Just Another Moose,Opera Cat, and Argus. She lives in Maryland and would love to live inMiss Wright’’s house by the beach (but not with a monkey).