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Innovative Marketing
Innovative In-Store Marketing Techniques to Boost Engagement
by Joanna/ on 20 Jun 2024

Innovative In-Store Marketing Techniques to Boost Engagement

In today's competitive retail landscape, innovative in-store marketing techniques are essential for capturing consumer attention and driving engagement. Just as hair transplant prices in Sweden vary based on numerous factors and require careful consideration, selecting the right marketing strategies demands thoughtful planning. 1. Interactive DisplaysInteractive displays are a great way to attract and engage customers. These displays, different from window displays, can include touchscreens, QR codes, or augmented reality experiences that allow customers to interact with products in a unique way.

Online Shopping
Online Will Never Replace Retail
by Hemron/ on 26 Nov 2022

Online Will Never Replace Retail

Covid 19 took us all a lot closer to virtual reality. Everything seemed to move online, from education to social interaction and in the biggest way, even retail. No need to go to a shop anymore, they said. A few clicks and your whatever will be delivered to your door, they said. People suffered from social withdrawal syndrome They were wrong. “The comfort of your own home,” started feeling like a soft prison cell, and it became clear that the lockdown deprived all of us of much-needed retail therapy.

Renting a Shop
Helpful And Proven Tips When Renting A Shop.
by Hemron/ on 14 Apr 2022

Helpful And Proven Tips When Renting A Shop.

Competition in the modern business world has grown to a dimension so high that a slight mistake in the choice of considerations will potentially result in a miserable failure. When setting up a retail shop, or any other business, you will require the expertise and services of a retail project management firm. We offer the best services and insights that you need to set up a successful retail shop in any industry.

Store Window Display
Having A Store Window Display That Turns Heads
by Hemron/ on 22 Feb 2022

Having A Store Window Display That Turns Heads

The major challenge most brick and mortar stores face is turning the heads of passersby and keeping their attention. Retail Consultant, your favourite retail project management has provided a guide on how you can create a store window display that draws customers to your business. Store Window Display Tips Retail stores have been hit hard from various angles. Covid-19, the consequential lockdown, and the rise of eCommerce have kept shoppers at home.

Mall Branding
Mall Branding
by Hemron/ on 19 Nov 2021

Mall Branding

The branding of a shopping mall is a very important element of success in the business industry. Retail Marketing has shifted to an experience-based model in recent years, so creating a brand, and brand features can be very important for stakeholders and to attract new consumers. Branding is also a way of standing out from your competitors. What is Mall Branding? Before we answer this question, let’s first discuss what branding is.

Healthfood Store
How To Promote Your Healthfood Store
by Hemron/ on 20 Oct 2021

How To Promote Your Healthfood Store

There are a number of factors to take into account when trying to promote your healthfood store. Before you hire a retail project management firm, it’s worth considering what you want to achieve. A few simple changes around the store can make it a more attractive place for shoppers. How To Increase Footfall While promotions may help to draw in new customers, there are some basic steps to consider when trying to increase footfall.

In-Store Marketing
In-store Marketing
by Hemron/ on 15 Sep 2021

In-store Marketing

Although it may seem as if e-commerce is always a step ahead of physical stores, the shopping experience between the two is totally different. The advantage that retail marketing has is the fact that it happens to a customer who is already ready and willing to buy. What Is In-store Marketing? Most people consider going to a store for shopping as an entertaining pastime. In-store marketing is the set of tactics that you employ so as to attract more customers to your shop.

Pop-Up Stores
Why Execution For Pop-Up Stores Matters
by Hemron/ on 29 Jul 2021

Why Execution For Pop-Up Stores Matters

Pop-up stores (flash retailing) involve a brand opening a random salesroom for a limited amount of time. The shop “pops up” for a specific goal. Shared retail spaces such as fairs and markets have been around for decades, but the “pop-up” retail term came to life in the late 1990s. The stores are usually temporary. They stay open for a few weeks or a few months. The concept has now evolved to include shipping container business ideas.