In this much-anticipated new spy thriller series by Jack Mars, listeners are taken on an action thriller across Europe as presumed-CIA operative Kent Steele, hunted by terrorists, by the CIA, and by his own identity, must solve the mystery of who is after him, of the terrorists'' pending target - and of the beautiful woman he keeps seeing in his mind.
Kent Steele, 38, a brilliant professor of European History at Columbia University, lives a quiet life in a New York suburb with his two teenage daughters. All that changes when late one night he gets a knock on his door and is abducted by three terrorists - and finds himself flown across the ocean to be interrogated in a basement in Paris.
They are convinced that Kent is the most lethal spy the CIA has ever known.
He is convinced they have the wrong man.
Do they?
With a conspiracy around him, adversaries as smart as he is, and an assassin on his tail, the wild game of cat and mouse leads Kent on a perilous road - one that may lead back to Langley - and to a shocking discovery of his own identity.
Agent Zero is an espionage thriller that will keep you listening late into the night.