Cardiovascular Wellness Management Success Plan: A Simple, Cost Effective 3-Step System to Diagnose, Treat, Monitor and Eradicate

Cardiovascular Wellness Management Success Plan: A Simple, Cost Effective 3-Step System to Diagnose, Treat, Monitor and Eradicate
Categories: Computers, Monitor
19.95 CAD
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According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Heart Attacks and Strokes are the number one leading cause of death worldwide. Coronary Artery Disease and Stroke collectively account for more than the next seven leading causes of death combined, and they are responsible for over 15 Million deaths each year. Sadly, most of these events are nearly completely preventable.

The US healthcare system encourages and rewards treatments and procedures over prevention and outcomes. Experts agree that this is at least partially responsible for the country's slip to 37th place among 190 industrialized nations in terms of key health outcomes. The standard of care in the US compels physicians to identify and treat risk factors rather than disease. This approach results in Heart Attacks and Strokes account for nearly one third of all deaths in the US, and more in the rest of the world.