Casting A Long Shadow: Cracker Chronicles

Casting A Long Shadow: Cracker Chronicles
17.92 CAD
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This is but a glimpse at that struggle and how it not only impacted men and their families but a way of life that can still be seen in many parts of Florida if one is willing to take time and look. Cowboys still saddle their horses and drive to an old set of cow pens and spend many an hour atop their favorite horse gathering, working and selling a new calf crop. They string miles of barbed wire and drive thousands of staples in fence rows built by their grandfathers and great grandfathers. To many, thou, it is lost and only a fading dream. Deep in the soul of Florida lies a great heritage called the True Florida Cracker. Not the urbanized rednecks that can afford a pair of Wrangler jeans, a shiny belt buckle, a fancy felt hat and black pointed toed cowboy boots but the true country boy and girl. Those who know the reason why you carry a pocket knife, how to keep it sharp and not cut yourself. Those who can appreciate a good pot of collard greens without the sweet cornbread you buy in a box. Those who are not afraid of taking a firm hold on a catfish as it flops around and taking out the hook without getting stuck. To those who had actually stepped into a fresh pile of cow crap and knows what it smells like and in a way appreciates the experience. To those who were taught to say “yes mam” and “no sir” and remember what respect is. To those who say to themselves that they were born in the wrong time.