Chore Time for Baby Mouse

Chore Time for Baby Mouse
Categories: Computers, Mouse
25.95 CAD
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In Bedtime for Baby Mouse, Baby Mouse didn't want to go to bed. Now, in Chore Time for Baby Mouse, it seems he doesn't want to do his chores. For parents of young children, bedtime and chore issues are two of the biggest challenges. Oftentimes, children don't openly refuse to do as they are told, but rather they “forget.” The result is either a chaotic home filled with toys, or parents resignedly picking up the toys themselves. Mothers and fathers looking for ideas to help their young children begin to learn basic personal responsibility for daily chores will appreciate the way Baby Mouse is encouraged to remember his chores with the gentle and positive reinforcement of a daily chore chart. Everybody in a family can help pitch in with chores and even small children can learn to clean up after themselves. This lesson is just as important to their education as is being read to every day. Even if you have a housekeeper, children should complete simple, age-appropriate chores.