
Categories: Computers, Keyboard
Brand: Smashwords Edition
5.18 CAD
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Starting up his new computer tuition business working from home offering ‘computer familiarisation’, little did paul realise he would be so much in demand. but what really surprised him was that he was not just wanted for his computer skills, they wanted a ‘handyman’ who could put his hands to a lot more than a keyboard, these ladies were after a far different kind of ‘familiarisation’.One experience leads to another like links in a chain, as word was spread sround between the ladies at the gymnasium, interest in the repair man grew, and as each recounted their hot sexual adventures to their friends, demand for him grew even more. He was soon struggling to fit in any computer work at all. Along the way he gets to meet some very different and unusual ladies, from ’twenty somethings’ to ‘cougars’, bored housewives to the posh lady of the manor, who to his surprise wanted to explore much more than just straight sex. Read this very detailed and explicit account of his adventures, but beware, it is sure to be very arousing, and maybe not the book you want to read on the train journey home, not unless you want to miss your stop. Best read alone where the excitement and hot flushes it creates are not seen by others. be prepared for some hot erotic dreams if you choose to read this at bedtime. Does contain very explicit language and extremely detailed sexual scenes. Not suitable for the under 18’s

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