A variety of short fiction stories taking place in the rural U.S, particularly Vermont, between the colonial days and early 2000’s. Fighting hunger, clearing the land to make suitable for the plow, log drives, collecting maple sap, and harvesting crops for livestock, and being sustainable through all this and hunting game to provide a necessary supplement to everyday life was the focus of those who came before us and a staple which has held on in modern life for some. Ian Ogden, Phil Frazier, Harland Grigsby, Sherman Walters, Quinn Dexter, Hawk Labrie, Glenn True, the Baker’s, the Gibson’s, and many other of these characters bring out this way of life through many generations. Stealing and back-stabbing, love and caring, a river rescue, an attack on a hunter, wars and natural disasters, and the everyday challenges of country life on its people are present in these pages.