Food Safety And Quality Systems In Developing Countries: Volume Iii: Technical And Market Considerations

Food Safety And Quality Systems In Developing Countries: Volume Iii: Technical And Market Considerations
132.95 CAD
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Food Safety and Quality Systems in Developing Countries: Volume III: Technical and Market Considerationsis a practical resource for companies seeking to supply food products from developing countries to developed country markets or to transnational business located in developing countries. It explores practical approaches to complying with food safety and quality systems requirements, backed by the science-based approaches used in the major markets applied in a developing country context. It explores the topic from the perspective of agribusiness value chains and includes deconstructions of regulatory and market channel-specific technical requirements in North America, Europe, and other major markets. Volume III builds on the platforms laid by the previous two volumes, providing guidance from industry-leading experts on addressing regulatory and market-specific microbiological, chemical, packaging and labelling, supply chain, and systems-related food safety and quality compliance requirements.

This book addresses technical and market-determined standards that value chain participants in developing countries face supplying developed country markets or transnational firms, including hotels, major multiples, and quick serve restaurant brands.

  • Provides detailed, scientific, and technical information to assist food safety and marketing professionals operating in the global market
  • Helps farmers, processors, exporters, food scientists and technologists, regulators, students, and other stakeholders in the global food industry understand and apply tailored technical and scientific information to their food industry sector
  • Uses specific real-world examples of systems implementation, supported by case studies and the required scientific and marketing inputs in a range of product categories including fruits and vegetables, sauces and spices, beverages, produce staples, dairy products, seafood, and others