Frogs Forever

Frogs Forever
Categories: Computers, Mouse
Brand: Smashwords Edition
1.31 CAD
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In this story, the fifth one of the Tales from Wingy Woods; Peter the little Pond-Frog, feels that he is all alone. His best friend Herb, decided to quit the adventurous life and settle down. Herb recently moved away from the Wingy Wood pond, to stay at the Old Mine, to be near to Belinda, a Kind and gentle young mouse, that they met on one of their adventures. Now that Herb has gone, Peter feels as though all of the excitement has gone from his life. Life however, still has oodles of excitement ready to throw at Peter. For instance, he is completely unaware of the danger he is about to be in, at the hands (or paws) of his arch-enemy Igor, the dastardly Fox that was banished just a few weeks before, from the Wingy Wood area. Igor, who was feeling very sad and dejected after his banishment, accidentally came across his two - equally sly brothers - who were also a long way from home. With renewed confidence, he and his brothers plan to return to Wingy Wood, and take some revenge for Igor’s banishment - in the form of feasting on Frogs and Mice. Unbeknown to Peter and Herb - in another part of Wingy Wood: Bartholomew the Spider, Mike the Mole and George the Mouse, have decided to secretly organise a party, to honour our two heroic Frogs. They get Birds to act as messengers, and inform all the other members of the Wingy Wood community. The question is: - Will Peter and Herb survive to be honoured?