
Categories: Computers, Mouse
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Fourteen-year-old Jean Karona cannot stop running. In the midst of a life and death game of hide-and-seek with her two younger siblings, Vivian and Rory, Jean knows it’s up to her to keep them all safe from the demented Trackers who hunt them.

Planet Earth is not a place anyone wants to live on anymore. The devastation of nine years of war has taken its toll on everyone, including Jean’s family. As every country fights for world domination, Jean’s parents are snatched by the Trackers and forced onto the battlefield, leaving Jean alone to care for her sister and brother. But after a new law passes, Jean is recruited into the War and is left with no choice but to leave Vivian and Rory behind. Her fight is not only physically daunting, but also a clash of wills, as every surrounding power demands her best.

In this action-packed sci-fi adventure, Jean soon realizes that she is immersed in a deadly cat-and-mouse game where her life is at stake. With no time left for indecision or fear, Jean must learn to fight like a real soldier-before she loses everything she has ever loved.