Gangbang Slut

Gangbang Slut
Categories: Computers, Webcam
Brand: Smashwords Edition
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She met him online - chats leading to phone-calls leading to hot webcam sex. Finally, Michelle had found a worthy Master, one who understood just how she needed to be used. At last, she is going to meet him in person - traveling across the country so she can realize her deepest, darkest fantasy - to be blindfolded and given to a group of unknown men to be used as their sex slave. This is an erotic short story of approx. 4,500 wordsEXCERPTAside from her clothes, and as per his instructions, she had nothing on her - no purse, no bag with extra clothes, no money, nothing. From the moment he stripped her naked, she would be unable to leave until, and if, he chose to give her something else to wear. Well, she could leave naked, she supposed - unless, as she fully expected to be, she was tied up. Another delicious shiver ran through her. Her long brown hair was done up in a tight ponytail that fell halfway down her back. He had insisted on that, too. She thought it was to make her seem more exposed, more vulnerable - so that she wouldn’t even have her hair to hide behind. The door opened, and there he stood - taller than she had expected from looking at him via webcam, and bulkier, too. He loomed over her, a spark of something dangerous in his eyes as he swept his gaze up and down her body, a forbidding expression on his face. Michelle quailed a little, inside, her nerve faltering now that she was actually standing in front of him. A frisson of fear made her shudder, and she started to question whether this had really been a good idea. But, it was too late for that, now. He grabbed her arm and pulled her into the room, and Michelle struggled to keep her balance on the high heels. She had just managed to stagger to a halt when he slapped her. Her cheek stung from the force of the blow, and she felt tears spring to her eyes. Today would be based on their shared fantasies, she knew, so the slap wasn’t a complete surprise - intellectually, at least. But, as she was coming to underst