Medical Responsibility in Western Europe: Research Study of the European Science Foundation

Medical Responsibility in Western Europe: Research Study of the European Science Foundation
Categories: Computers, Monitor
222.95 CAD
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This volume presents to the international world of learning the first fruits of a project launched by the European Science Foundation (ESF) in 1977. Tribute should be paid to the late Professor Aleck Chloros, Judge in the Court of the Euro­ pean Community, whose belief in the European ideal and enthusiasm for European co9peration and the comparative study oflegal problems made him an eloquent ad­ vocate of a large-scale ESF venture into the field of comparative law. Judge Chloros had envisaged the creation of a permanent, sizable and well-equipped European in­ stitute for comparative legal studies. The successive working parties convoked by the Executive Council of the ESF, which I had the honour of heading from the be­ ginning, came to the conclusion that this ambitious vision could not be realized im­ mediately; the financial situation of the member organizations of the ESF also de­ teriorated, making a cautious approach a necessary virtue. The solution ultimately adopted by the last of the working parties - the Ad Hoc Committee for Compara­ tive Law - and submitted to the General Assembly of the ESF in 1979 called for the launching of four pilot projects. In November 1980, the Assembly approved de­ tailed plans for two of these projects, the first of which concerned medical respon­ sibility - the subject of this volume. A Steering Committee was set up to monitor the projects. The organisation of the study was entrusted to Professor Dr.