Mom Will Never Know

Mom Will Never Know
Brand: Boruma Publishing, LLC
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While using his new security camera, Mike accidentally records his parents having sex. Now he can’t get enough of watching his mother acting like a porn star. When his father tells him he knows what he’s doing, Mike thinks he’s done for. Instead, Dad says he wants to switch and watch Mike have sex with his mother while she’s blindfolded. Mike and Dad will get what they want, and Mom will never know~ Excerpt ~“So if everything’s okay, what can’t wait?” I asked, taking off my lame Taco Bell visor and tossing it in the laundry before sitting down on my bed facing him.“Might be easier to show you.” Dad turned to my laptop and shook the mouse. “I e-mailed myself something so I could show you.“What is it?” The knot was back in my stomach and I leaned forward as Dad went into his e-mails and opened something up.“It’s a pretty interesting movie,” he laughed, again sounding nervous, “A movie within a movie really.“Windows Media came up and I held my breath as the video buffered. When it came to life, I released my breath as if someone had punched me in the stomach. The video was shot of me on my bed. The angle was from behind me, looking over my shoulder and showed me not only masturbating, but the monitor in my other hand. On the screen, clear as day was my mother playing with herself, it was from yesterday. Even as I sat there stunned, it hit me what had happened to the camera in the baseboard and looking at the angle of the movie, I turned my head and looked at the small vent just over my bed.“Yup, those vents are great spots.” Dad said from where he was watching the video, “And that camera and monitor set up was worth the money we paid.” He whistled, “Look at how clear even the picture on your monitor is.“Dad, I, uh…” I stopped, unable to come up with anything that made sense.“Tell you what, your mother can put on a show.” Dad was still glued to the video. “It’s funny, I’ve been with her for over twenty years flesh to flesh, but seeing her on a screen? Really