Money is Freedom and Safety: A Lifelong Plan for Achieving Economic Independence

Money is Freedom and Safety: A Lifelong Plan for Achieving Economic Independence
18.69 CAD
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Every woman’s guide to financial freedom and success. A Lifelong Plan for Achieving Economic Independence WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF YOU DIDN ‘T HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT MONEY? . WOULD YOU STILL GO TO YOUR CURRENT JOB? . TRAVEL AROUND THE WORLD? . VISIT LONG LOST RELATIVES? . STAY AT HOME AND PLAY THE PIANO? THIS EASY-TO-READ FINANCE BOOK IS FOR ANYONE WANTING HELP IN SAVING MONEY, CREATING A BUDGET AND GETTING OUT OF YOUR CURRENT MONEY HOLE AND INTO FINANCIAL FREEDOM. “This book should be handed out with our first paycheck. It is a great guide to managing your money.” Terry Barnett - Author and Success Trainer “A good book to read to gain knowl edge on saving and budgeting one step at a time for financial freedom.” Josephine Mandela - Mother and Business Owner “As a 64 year old Grandmother with a 10 year-old Granddaughter old enough to read this book, I realize that one is never too old…or too young, to learn about our financial opti ons This easy to read, beautifully written book empowering women, should be a staple in every home " Joan Benjamin - MS Pre -School Owner, Director, Teacher Golden Group Director, Sunrider International