Sulon the Mouse with His Tail Too Long

Sulon the Mouse with His Tail Too Long
Categories: Computers, Mouse
Brand: Xlibris US
6.29 CAD 6.99 CAD
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This story came about one winter evening while I was watching television in my living room in our gray stone house in King George County Virginia. Suddenly a little tiny gray mouse with an exceptionally long tail flew around the edge of the entry way into our living room. He ran like wind along the base board of the room and down into our heating registers and into the heating ducks of our home. I don’t believe I have ever seen a mouse with such a long tail. I tried to catch him but was unable to because he was so tiny in his body and lightweight that he could run like the wind with his long, long tail swishing back and forth and from side to side as he ran. This inspired me to make up this story about Sulon the Mouse with His Tail Too Long. I believe this story will be enjoyed by both parents and children and grandparents alike, who will read this book for themselves or to their children or grandchildren. It also teaches us not to be so cruel to others as we never know when their kind behavior is worth more than all our cruel behavior could ever be. Remember in the Bible: Hebrew 13:1-2, “Let brotherly love continue. Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angles unaware.”