The Flight of the Timeship Tempest

The Flight of the Timeship Tempest
Categories: Computers, Monitor
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Imagine having the ability to travel to any time and place in the entire universe. Time traveler Ron Silverton-with help from his temporal pilot, Rem, who can navigate through time-works for an organization set up to monitor temporal abnormalities. Starting at Saturn’s moon Titan and traveling back and forth thousands of years, the pair eventually visit Atlantis. For beings accustomed to cybernetic implants, nanobots in their bloodstream and fourth and fifth dimensions, it’s all in a day’s work. Their craft# spirals through the galaxy all the way to the galactic core, and the two meet several other time travelers on their journey. Heading back to Earth’s solar system, they travel 3,000 million years in the future to Neptune, making contact with the universal mind. Ron, who hails from the 42nd century, routinely watches epic battles from the past and is familiar with religious figures of lore: Jesus Christ, Budda, Krishna, Mohammad, and those even further back, such as Zeus and Vishnu. Trips to the extreme future and past allow Ron to reunite with his fellow travelers. Exploring themes of parallel universes, time travel, and multiple dimensions, author David Wegert speculates that consciousness may be what lies beyond space-time, and other realities may exist alongside our own. AUTHOR BIO Australian-born David Wegert worked as a scientific assistant in the Government Chemical Laboratory and spent ten years as a library assistant before retiring. David joined the Brisbane Theosophical Society a few decades ago, inspired by its encouragement of the study of comparative religion, philosophy, and science. David also wrote the novel The Flight of the Cochrane: A Journey Through Space and Time and the nonfiction book Spirit Guides from the Future: Communications Over 10,000 Million of Evolution and Beyond. His interests include science fiction, trans-personal psychology, mysticism, paranormal phenomena, pantheism, trans-humanism, and technological singularity.