The Myth Of The Great Ending: Why We've Been Longing For The End Of Days Since The Beginning Of Time

The Myth Of The Great Ending: Why We've Been Longing For The End Of Days Since The Beginning Of Time
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From Christian true believers in the Apocalypse and the Rapture, to New Age enthusiasts of prophecies concerning the year 2012, Doomsday lore has become a staple of our cultural life. Yet, no matter how many times the predicted end of the world fails to materialize, the belief remains robust. Why?
When dreams recur, it’’s often a signal that the dreamer has failed to grasp the meaning of the dream.
Could it be, then, that The Myth of the Great Ending is so resilient because we have yet to heed its true message?
What if this myth is not really forecasting a foreordained future event after all?
What if its continual recurrence is a symptom of an unresolved trauma from our distant past, when human beings severed their inborn connection to nature and their own natural spirituality?
Could a proper understanding of The Myth of the Great Ending open up vast possibilities in the present moment, enabling each of us to create the future of our own choosing?
These are the urgent and timely questions explored in this book.
This book proposes a cultural, spiritual, and psychological shift on the order of The Chalice and the Blade or those in history chronicled by Jared Diamond. A fine blend of history, metaphysics, and story.