The Parents' Survival Guide to Children, Technology and the Internet

The Parents' Survival Guide to Children, Technology and the Internet
Categories: Computers, Monitor
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 About the authors vii

What other experts are saying about The Parents’ Survival Guide to

Children, Technology and the Internet  ix

Introduction 1

 Why you (and the world) need this book 1

How to use this book 7

1. Monitoring screen time in the

age of distraction 9

 Are screens inherently bad? 10

What are the potential risks of too much screen time? 11

A quick word on brain development 17

So how can you manage screen time effectively? 18

Taking care of digital friendships 21

2. Internet addiction 25

 Understanding internet addiction 27

Different types of internet addictions 30

Side effects of internet addiction 34

Internet addiction in adults 35

Healthy use of screens 37

Preventing addiction 38

Dealing with internet addiction 41

3. Sleep deprivation 45

Understanding the importance of sleep 47

Biology versus technology 49

Side effects of sleep deprivation in teens 54

Symptoms of sleep deprivation 57

Managing sleep deprivation with your teen 59

4. Parental controls 63

Looking at spyware options 65

Using network and browser filters 67

Considering monitoring software 68

Recognising the need for trust and privacy 69

Working out what’s best for your child 74

5. Cyberbullying and cyber abuse 77

Cyberbullying behaviours 78

Cyberbullying versus conventional bullying 80

Preventing bullying behaviours 88

Signs that your child is being cyberbullied 90

Signs that your child is a cyberbully 91

What to do if your child is being cyberbullied 92

How and where to report cyberbullying 97

6. Video games 101

Taking a balanced look at video games 104

Different types of video games 111

Playing online games safely 115

Video games and childhood obesity 118

Healthy video game habits 120

Managing video game addiction in children 124

Final thoughts for parents 128

7. Social media 131

Social media: Friend or foe? 132

Depression and anxiety and social media 138

Self-esteem, body image and gender norms 143

The pressure to be liked 147

The benefits of social media 149

Considering your own ‘sharenting’ 151

Sexting 154

8. Online grooming 159

Understanding online grooming 161

The six stages of child grooming 162

Who is at risk? 165

Profile of a predator 167

Parental and institutional grooming 172

Online grooming 173

Is my child being groomed? 176

Staying on the offensive and getting help 179

9. Offensive and illegal content 183

Online extremism and radicalisation 184

Online pornography 189

Actions you can take 194

Online shopping, scams and fraud 200

Scam warning signs 202

Tips for online shopping 204

Conclusion 207

References 211