The Rebel Pirate

The Rebel Pirate
Categories: Computers, Mouse
42.95 CAD
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Boston Harbor, 1775. James Sparhawk, master and commander inthe British Navy, knows trouble when he sees it. The ship he''s boarded iscarrying ammunition and gold into a country on the knife''s edge of war.Sparhawk''s duty is clear: confiscate the cargo, impound the vessel, and seizethe crew. But when one of the ship''s boys turns out to be a lovely girl with aloaded pistol and dead-shot aim, Sparhawk finds himself held hostage aboard aRebel privateer.

Sarah Ward never set out to break the law. Before Bostonbecame a powder keg, she was poised to escape the stigma of being a notoriouspirate''s daughter by marrying Micah Wild, one of Salem''s most successfulmerchants. Then a Patriot mob destroyed her fortune and Wild played her falseby marrying her best friend and smuggling a chest of Rebel gold aboard herfamily''s ship.

Now branded a pirate herself, Sarah will do what she must tosecure her family''s safety and her own future, even if that means taking partin the cat-and-mouse game unfolding in Boston Harbor-the desperate naval fightbetween British and Rebel forces for the matériel of war-and pitting herselfagainst James Sparhawk, the one man she cannot resist.