Unanswered Questions

Unanswered Questions
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You have to remember whilst reading that these are mainly the words of Karolyn and Bill Young. And at that time sending me all these tapes and letters they were in the custody of The United States Treasury dept., as state witnesses and as such all their outgoing mail and telephone calls were monitored. The Treasury Dept., were aware that Karolyn was giving me names and did nothing to stop her. I wrote the names with little understanding of who they were. The whole point of the exercise was to draw out or even blackmail those that the Treasury Dept., had in their sights. I was supposedly Karolyn’s writer…. and a sitting duck as sheriff Jerry Crass said; and know idea of the danger I was in until he and the F.B.I. rescued me from their clutches. When their whole story got out Karolyn claimed “IT WOULD MAKE WATERGATE LOOK LIKE A TEA PARTY.”

That was 19 84/85 and I’m an old woman now with nothing left to fear….they could come and get me or even sue me… and wouldn’t that be something for Wikileak.