How To Promote Your Healthfood Store

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Healthfood Store
BY Hemron ON 20 Oct 2021

How To Promote Your Healthfood Store

There are a number of factors to take into account when trying to promote your healthfood store. Before you hire a retail project management firm, it’s worth considering what you want to achieve. A few simple changes around the store can make it a more attractive place for shoppers.

How To Increase Footfall

While promotions may help to draw in new customers, there are some basic steps to consider when trying to increase footfall. Ease of moving around the store is important – if it’s open, bright and airy people will come in to browse. Keeping aisles clear makes it easier for people to maneouver around the store.

Well-organised and clearly labelled shelves make shopping easier for customers. Think about how you organise the store. Which products are likely to be bought together? Which will catch the customers eye? Which could be an impulse purchase? Window displays are important to draw new customers in, but remember that what they find inside will determine if they come back.

Staff Training

While customers like helpful staff, they also like to browse in peace. A healthfood store is somewhere customers like to take their time to choose the products they want. Staff should be trained to notice when assistance is required but recognise that customers may spend some time deciding what they want.