Bridge Engineering: Classifications, Design Loading, And Analysis Methods

Bridge Engineering: Classifications, Design Loading, And Analysis Methods
Categories: Computers, Monitor
127.95 CAD
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Bridge Engineering: Classifications, Design Loading, and Analysis Methodsbegins with a clear and concise exposition of theory and practice of bridge engineering, design and planning, materials and construction, loads and load distribution, and deck systems. This is followed by chapters concerning applications for bridges, such as: Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Bridges, Steel Bridges, Truss Bridges, Arch Bridges, Cable Stayed Bridges, Suspension Bridges, Bridge Piers, and Bridge Substructures. In addition, the book addresses issues commonly found in inspection, monitoring, repair, strengthening, and replacement of bridge structures.

  • Includes easy to understand explanations for bridge classifications, design loading, analysis methods, and construction
  • Provides an overview of international codes and standards
  • Covers structural features of different types of bridges, including beam bridges, arch bridges, truss bridges, suspension bridges, and cable-stayed bridges
  • Features step-by-step explanations of commonly used structural calculations along with worked out examples